
Tauragė district municipality fire service


Tauragė district municipality fire service

The main objective of the Tauragė District Municipal Fire Service is to preserve human life, health and property, and to protect the environment from the effects of emergencies, emergency situations and other events. The result is a fully optimised, informative website that meets the requirements of municipal authorities.

Project details


We conducted an in-depth analysis of websites from comparable institutions to identify the critical factors influencing informativeness in this area. By meticulously examining the latest standards for municipal authorities and data protection, we developed a website that adheres to these stringent requirements.


Our team has created a modern and professional design, in line with best UI/UX design practices, adapted to different device screen sizes. The design features user-friendly navigation, accesibility, clear information structure and meets the current requirements of the municipal authorities.


We developed the website utilizing the WordPress content management system, selected for its user-friendly interface and efficient content management capabilities. To ensure superior performance, we prioritized optimizing both the speed and security of the site.


We have successfully integrated Google Analytics into the website to facilitate comprehensive tracking and analysis of user behavior. Additionally, the website has been designed in compliance with the technical and structural standards mandated by municipal authorities, ensuring accessibility for individuals with disabilities.

Client Experience

Interplace has created a website for our institution. We are very satisfied with the professional, fast and quality work at a good price. We want to thank you for your kind and quick response to help even after the deadline.

Vaiva Paldavičienė Tauragė district municipal fire service

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